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Perfil Falso (2023-2025)

2 seasons
2,20 10 votes

Alternative title: Fake Profile

State: Returning Series

Genre: Drama

Origin: Colombia

Developed by: Pablo Illanes

Stars: Carolina Miranda, Rodolfo Salas and Manuela González

IMDb score: 5,7 (5.094)

Releasedate: Wednesday 31 May 2023


Perfil Falso plot

Camila creates a profile on a dating app in search of the man of her dreams. She finds the handsome Fernando with the app. However, he is not single and his name is not Fernando. Camila falls into a trap and everything turns into a nightmare. Willing to do anything to find out who the man she met really is, the young woman desperately searches for the true identity of the imposter and makes him pay one by one for every lie he told her and every promise he made .

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Opinions about Perfil Falso

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  • 375 votes
Sunday 4 June 2023
Perfil Falso season 1

What a bland annoying series with very weak acting. I give myself a 10 to keep this up until the end, a typical South American series....Miranda can be seen but acting is really not her thing, as was already seen in quien mato a Sara... .

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