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Matlock (1986-1995)

9 seasons
3,23 96 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United States

Developed by: Dean Hargrove

Stars: Andy Griffith, Julie Sommars and Clarence Gilyard Jr.

IMDb score: 7,1 (9.969)

Releasedate: Friday 30 May 1986

Matlock plot

Ben Matlock is a criminal lawyer who charges $100,000 before taking a case. However, he is worth every penny as he and his team defend his clients by tracking down the real killer. He usually calls them as a witness in the trial, and in this way he succeeds in convincing the jury of his client's innocence. Sometimes, with some reluctance, he allows himself to be persuaded to take cases pro bono, if he thinks the accused is innocent.

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  • 918 votes
Wednesday 11 September 2024
Matlock season 1

Thanks to this lawyer series, Andy Griffith became a familiar face in millions of households for years. The episodes follow a fixed pattern. It starts with the murder, with the perpetrator sometimes recognizable in the picture, but not always. Matlock always defends a client who is wrongly suspected. The facade of the Atlanta courthouse is shown regularly.

In terms of credibility, Matlock scores low. With the exception of a few cases from the distant past, he always wins. He pays little attention to procedural errors. He introduces new evidence without permission from the judge. "Objection!" became a popular phrase. Realism is subordinate to entertainment value. Explicit scenes and coarse language are rare, because it had to be suitable for prime-time television.

Quality lies in dialogues, suspense, evidence, psychology and humor. Ben Matlock wears a light blue suit and has a friendly style. While playing the banjo, he ruminates on the case. During the interrogation of a witness, he comes up with a coup de théâtre to bring the truth to light.

In this first season he is assisted by two permanent helpers. The African-American private detective Tyler Hudson (Kene Holliday) goes undercover and regularly has an action scene. Daughter Charlene Matlock (Linda Purl) assists, but unfortunately would only play one season. Well-known guest actors include Dick Van Dyke, José Ferrer, Robert Walden and Piper Laurie, but lesser-known names also play great roles.

Favorite episodes: 1, 2, 7, 10, 13, 17.

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