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Maigret (1991-2004)

14 seasons
3,83 87 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: Belgium / France / Czechoslovakia / Switzerland

Developed by: Caroline Lassa, Jan Bílek, Alain Bloch, Anne Leduc, Daniel Deschamps, Karel Van Ossenbruggen, Olivier Rausin and Patrick Quinet

Stars: Bruno Cremer, Alexandre Brasseur and Aurore Clément

IMDb score: 8,0 (848)

Releasedate: Sunday 1 December 1991


Maigret plot

The French sleuth Maigret (Bruno Cremer) is pragmatic, reserved and sensitive. He investigates the murder cases that come his way in his own, unhurried way. In the end it is always inevitable that he will get the truth to light. The series is based on the books by Georges Simenon.

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