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Little House on the Prairie (1974-1983)

9 seasons
3,46 266 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United States

Developed by: Blanche Hanalis

Stars: Melissa Gilbert, Michael Landon and Lindsay Greenbush

IMDb score: 7,5 (27.699)

Releasedate: Wednesday 11 September 1974

Little House on the Prairie plot

Based on the diaries of the real Laura Ingalls and seen through her eyes in the series. Little House on the Prairie follows the adventures of Charles and Caroline Ingalls and their three daughters Mary, Laura and Carrie growing up in late 1800s Western America. The series follows their strict but fair upbringing into adulthood, when she and her sisters have a family of their own. Also, the people from the loving town of Walnut Grove often play a big part in their adventures.

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  • 896 votes
Wednesday 12 January 2022
Little House on the Prairie season 1

Het Kleine Huisje is loosely based on the autobiographical children's book series by Laura Ingalls. The TV series is set from the age of seven in Walnut Grove, Minnesota, but was shot in California. It is a rural village in the nineteenth century. Agriculture was still dominant. There was still a lot of respect for the local priest, doctor and teacher. The family arrives in a covered wagon, but later they also travel by train.

Laura (Melissa Gilbert), the middle of three daughters, is a belligerent, but has a heart of gold. Her father Charles (Michael Landon) believes in traditional family values, hard work and perseverance to overcome adversity. In his spare time he plays folk tunes on his violin. With their fighting spirit, they face poverty, crop failure, fire and disease.

A sympathetic side character is Mr. Edwards (Victor French), who has a tendency to alcoholism but is always willing to help others. The shopkeeper Mrs. Oleson, on the other hand, is conceited and bossy, but often creates a comic note. Animals also often play an important role. By today's standards, this series is old-fashioned and sentimental, but it's also heartwarming and moving. Favorite episodes from the first season: 1, 6, 10 and 12.

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