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A Small Light (2023)

3,97 36 votes

Show title: A Small Light

IMDb score: 8,4 (13.628)

Episodes: 8

Playing time: 8 hour

Developed by: Alon Shtruzman, Avi Nir, Joan Rater, Lisa Roos, Peter Traugott, Susanna Fogel and Tony Phelan

Stars: Bel Powley, Liev Schreiber and Joe Cole

Origin: United States

Releasedate: Monday 1 May 2023

First aired on: National Geographic (Verenigde Staten)

A Small Light plot

During the Nazi occupation of Amsterdam, secretary Miep Gies receives a request from her boss Otto Frank to hide various people from the Germans, including the Frank family and daughter Anne, together with her husband Jan. For the next two years, Miep and Jan will provide safe accommodation for eight Jewish people in hiding: Otto, his wife Edit and daughters Anne and Margot, and four others. After the liberation, Miep would discover Anne's diary and bring it to safety.

Episodes Season 1 (2023)

  1. 1. Pilot

    1 May 2023 (1 hour)

  2. 2. Welcome to Switzerland

    1 May 2023 (1 hour)

  3. 3. Motherland

    8 May 2023 (1 hour)

  4. 4. The Butterfly

    8 May 2023 (1 hour)

  5. 5. Scheissfeld

    15 May 2023 (1 hour)

  6. 6. Boiling Point

    15 May 2023 (1 hour)

  7. 7. What Can Be Saved

    22 May 2023 (1 hour)

  8. 8. Legacy

    22 May 2023 (1 hour)

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

Miep Gies

Jan Gies

Edith Frank

Margot Frank

Johannes Kleiman

Bep Voskuijl

Reviews & comments

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The drama at 263 Prinsengracht, but this time not from the well-known diary, but from the story of Miep Gies and her husband, two people who braved many dangers to offer protection and help to the persecuted Jews in Amsterdam.

Saw the film on the National Geographic Chanel which surprised me somewhat, but that does not detract from the appreciation for this work. The tension, the drama and also the emotionality associated with the event are conveyed very well and this without real top actors, crowd pullers.

I'm surprised more people haven't watched this series. Definitely worth it.

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It irritates me enormously when Germans continuously speak English in war films or series. And then the Dutch too, although that is a little less disturbing, I don't think a word of Dutch is spoken. For me that is the main reason to zap away.

There is little wrong with the series in itself, but I would much rather watch that old movie Soldaat van Oranje, where the Krauts just speak German, and occasionally even Dutch.

The series will nevertheless be well watched, but unfortunately not by me.

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