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A.C.A.B. La Serie (2025)

1 season
3,07 7 votes

Alternative title: Public Disorder

State: In Production

Genre: Drama

Origin: Italy

Developed by: Filippo Gravino and Carlo Bonini

Stars: Marco Giallini, Adriano Giannini and Valentina Bellè

IMDb score: 6,5 (995)

Releasedate: Wednesday 15 January 2025


A.C.A.B. La Serie plot

A night of fierce clashes in Val di Susa. A team of the Rome Mobile Unit loses its chief, who is seriously injured. However, the team of Mazinga, Marta and Salvatore is not like the others, it is a team from Rome, which had to learn to contrast chaos and problems with extreme methods, almost like a family. A family that the new commander, Michele, has to deal with. As if the chaos that hits the new team at the moment of maximum internal vulnerability was not enough, there is also a new wave of dissatisfaction among people with institutions. Amidst the growing tensions, the team members are called upon to take sides.
