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Peaky Blinders - Season 2 (2014)

4,12 363 votes

Show title: Peaky Blinders

IMDb score: 8,8 (671.061)

Episodes: 6

Playing time: 6 hour

Developed by: Steven Knight

Stars: Cillian Murphy, Helen McCrory and Paul Anderson

Origin: United Kingdom

Releasedate: Thursday 2 October 2014

First aired on: BBC Two (Verenigd Koninkrijk)

Peaky Blinders plot

Peaky Blinders is set in Birmingham just after the First World War. Central figure is Thomas Shelby, who is in charge of one of the city's most terrifying gangs, the Peaky Blinders.

Episodes Season 2 (2014)

  1. Episode 1

    2 October 2014 (1 hour)

  2. Episode 2

    9 October 2014 (1 hour)

  3. Episode 3

    16 October 2014 (1 hour)

  4. Episode 4

    23 October 2014 (1 hour)

  5. Episode 5

    30 October 2014 (1 hour)

  6. Episode 6

    6 November 2014 (1 hour)

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

Tommy Shelby

Arthur Shelby

Oswald Mosley

John Shelby

C.I. Chester Campbell

Michael Gray

Freddie Thorne

Luca Changretta

Lancaster Officer Mulchay

Aberama Gold

Sergeant Moss

Reviews & comments

avatar van Alathir


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Although slightly darker than season 1, I found the big downside here that it is a bit too much about the business and that makes it more distant for me than season 1. It is of course a men's series but I think that in this season the women are also a bit more into the background are shifted.

It's about the Shelby's, especially Tommy of course and who takes power in London. Sabini and Solomons, along with the Shelbys, are the three contenders for absolute power. But who beats whom? The final was very strong.

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"Intelligence is a very valuable thing, innit, my friend? And usually it comes far too f*ck*ng late."

Season 2 is better than last season in many ways. Although, that is certainly a matter of taste. My girlfriend still prefers last season because it's more about business and they already have everything, but I think this season's story is technically just a bit better. Partly due to the dynamics with Thomas and Campbell, which is strongly reflected in this season.

In addition, I liked Darby Sabini again many times better than Billy Kimber. Also this season Tom Hardy introduces his character Alfie Solomons, who is instantly one of my favorite characters.

Furthermore, Episodes 5&6 were absolute highlights of this season. Something season 1 didn't have in my opinion.

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Strong second season, which benefits from a faster pace, more (and better) plot lines and a large collection of colorful characters. And if you also manage to get Tom Hardy for an important (and hilarious) supporting role, you are of course doing something right. In any case, the series is clearly on steam and comes out confident and convincing. With only six episodes, it's just right in length, too.

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