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Seinfeld - Season 2 (1991)

3,83 155 votes

Show title: Seinfeld

IMDb score: 8,9 (357.541)

Episodes: 12

Playing time: 4 hour and 24 minutes

Developed by: Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David

Stars: Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander and Michael Richards

Origin: United States

Releasedate: Wednesday 23 January 1991

First aired on: NBC (Verenigde Staten)

Seinfeld plot

A stand-up comedian (Jerry Seinfeld, playing himself) and his three offbeat friends Elaine, George and Kramer weather the pitfalls and payoffs of life in New York City in the '90s. It's 'a show about nothing.'

Episodes Season 2 (1991)

  1. 1. The Ex-Girlfriend

    23 January 1991 (22 minutes)

  2. 2. The Pony Remark

    30 January 1991 (22 minutes)

  3. 3. The Jacket

    6 February 1991 (22 minutes)

  4. 4. The Phone Message

    13 February 1991 (22 minutes)

  5. 5. The Apartment

    4 April 1991 (22 minutes)

  6. 6. The Statue

    11 April 1991 (22 minutes)

  7. 7. The Revenge

    18 April 1991 (22 minutes)

  8. 8. The Heart Attack

    25 April 1991 (22 minutes)

  9. 9. The Deal

    2 May 1991 (22 minutes)

  10. 10. The Baby Shower

    16 May 1991 (22 minutes)

  11. 11. The Chinese Restaurant

    23 May 1991 (22 minutes)

  12. 12. The Busboy

    26 June 1991 (22 minutes)

Full cast & crew

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Reviews & comments

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  • 2275 messages
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This is starting to look more like the familiar level, although there are some lesser episodes, such as the last one.

I think the highlight is The Chinese Restaurant that takes place entirely in that place, very nicely done.

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Black Math

  • 5406 messages
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In the same vein as last season. There is a nice interaction between the characters, but it doesn't feel very sharp to me, I don't find it super funny, it makes me chuckle more, and there are no episodes that really stand out. 2*.

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