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Envidiosa (2024)

1 season
3,00 2 votes

Alternative title: Envious

State: In Production

Genre: Comedy

Origin: Argentina

Developed by: Adrián Suar

Stars: Griselda Siciliani, Esteban Lamothe and Benjamín Vicuña

IMDb score: 6,8 (561)

Releasedate: Wednesday 18 September 2024


Envidiosa plot

Vicky silently suffers and is jealous when her friends get married before she does. Fed up, before she turns 40, she gives her lifelong friend an ultimatum: either they get married, or she leaves him. But nothing goes as she expected and Vicky will try to rebuild her life, looking for a new man to fulfill her dream of marriage, not knowing that on this journey, more than finding a man, she will find herself.


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