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American Dad! (2005-2022)

19 seasons
3,40 260 votes

State: Returning Series

Genre: Animation

Origin: United States

Developed by: Mike Barker, Mike Barker, Matt Weitzman and Seth MacFarlane

Stars: Seth MacFarlane, Wendy Schaal and Rachael MacFarlane

IMDb score: 7,4 (138.078)

Releasedate: Sunday 6 February 2005

American Dad! plot

Stan Smith is the father, husband and breadwinner of the Smith family. His wife Francine and his children Hayley and Steve are joined by the man-in-a-goldfish-body pet, Klaus, and zany alien Roger.

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Opinions about American Dad!

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  • 36 votes
Saturday 5 December 2015
American Dad! season 2

With this season, American Dad showed that it can without a doubt stand next to its more famous brother Family Guy! I well remember watching the opening episode "Bullocks To Stan" in my college dorm, featuring the unforgettable scene featuring everyone's favorite pansexual alien Roger.

Steve runs upstairs while Roger is staring out the window with a cigarette. An old Edith Piaf record is heard in the background. Sur le ciel de Paris.... Roger pulls off his cigarette again and says with a painful grimace: I dreamed of Paris again last night! So pathetic, with such an incredible flair for drama. It was immediately love at first sight.

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