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Marco Polo (2014-2016)

2 seasons
3,72 145 votes

State: Canceled

Genre: Adventure

Origin: United States

Developed by: John Fusco

Stars: Lorenzo Richelmy, Benedict Wong and Michelle Yeoh

IMDb score: 8,0 (80.087)

Releasedate: Friday 12 December 2014

Marco Polo plot

Marco Polo grows up with his mother, because his father, Niccolò Polo, travels the world as a trader. One day, Niccolò takes his son on a multi-year journey across Asia, where they are captured by Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, who rules Mongolia in the 13th century. In order to continue using the Silk Road, Niccolò leaves his son at court as collateral. At court, young Marco Kublai provides Khan with his world views as the latter expands his empire into China.

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Kublai Khan

Empress Chabi

Crown Prince Jingim


Li Jinbao

Jia Sidao

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Opinions about Marco Polo

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.

avatar of centurion81


  • 367 votes
Tuesday 12 April 2016
Marco Polo season 1

I liked this series, but it never got really exciting anywhere! I'm going to watch season 2 again. The atmosphere and setting also do a lot

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avatar of brawljeff


  • 688 votes
Wednesday 28 September 2016
Marco Polo season 2

Hard to rate this season. Although I almost fell asleep in some parts, there were some great storylines, images and scenes this season. Once again it is Benedict Wong who steals the show and Marco Polo himself is actually even less captivating than in the previous season.

At the end of last season, we already got a taste of the dangers the Mongol Empire had to face this season. I have to say that the two 'bad guys' are well portrayed, very subtly even. And what images during the war scenes! Unfortunately, this season hardly had any martial arts moments, something that drew me to this series. Hundred Eyes only came into action a few times.

Improvement compared to the previous season, but it can all be made just a bit more interesting. The cliffhanger again promises a lot.

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  • 251 votes
Wednesday 18 March 2020
Marco Polo season 2

Much less than the first season, because the interesting historical character, namely Marco Polo, has faded into the background. Most Chinese and Mongolian bickering isn't that interesting or exciting, and too little is told in an entire season.

They probably wanted to stretch the series, but it would have been better to stop something more interesting in this season instead of saving up for a possible next season.

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