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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993-1999)

7 seasons
3,72 158 votes

Alternative titles: Star Trek: DS9 / Deep Space Nine

State: Ended

Genre: Action

Origin: United States

Developed by: Michael Piller and Rick Berman

Stars: Avery Brooks, Nana Visitor and Chase Masterson

IMDb score: 8,1 (72.323)

Releasedate: Sunday 3 January 1993

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine plot

The story is about a Federation space station called Deep Space Nine, which is located near the planet Bajor. Near Bajor is a wormhole that leads to the little-known Gamma Quadrant. Benjamin Sisko commands DS9 and commands a crew consisting of both Starfleet and Bajoran personnel. Together they face political and religious problems, as well as the growing threat of war with the mysterious Dominion from the Gamma Quadrant.

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