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Highlander (1992-1998)

6 seasons
2,92 73 votes

Alternative title: Highlander: The Series

State: Ended

Genre: Action

Origin: Canada / France

Developed by: Bill Panzer, Christian Charret, Marla Ginsburg and Peter S. Davis

Stars: Adrian Paul, Stan Kirsch and Jim Byrnes

IMDb score: 7,2 (18.173)

Releasedate: Saturday 3 October 1992

Highlander plot

Duncan MacLeod, of the clan MacLeod is immortal and has lived for over four hundred years. He is not the only immortal, however, and among these immortals is a battle to the death. When an immortal is killed, its energy is released and can be absorbed by another immortal, taking over all the experience and wisdom of the already deceased.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Duncan MacLeod

Joe Dawson

Zachary Blaine

Margaret Lang

Charlie DeSalvo

Richie Ryan

Rebecca Lord

Juliette Fitzcairn