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Giruti Kuraun (2011-2012)

1 season
3,00 1 votes

Alternative titles: Guilty Crown / ギルティクラウン

State: Ended

Genre: Action

Origin: Japan

Developed by: Mitsuhisa Ishikawa, Naohiro Tafu, Hideo Katsumata, Atsushi Terada and Yatsuho Tomikawa

Stars: Kousuke Takaguchi, Ai Kayano and Daisuke Sakaguchi

IMDb score: 7,0 (5.815)

Releasedate: Thursday 13 October 2011

Giruti Kuraun plot

The story is set in Tokyo in 2039. After the outbreak of the unidentified virus 'Lost Christmas' in 2029, Japan is controlled by the international organization GHQ. Ouma Shu is a seventeen-year-old boy who has a psychic power: He can use this Ability of King to get tools or weapons from his friends. He has always avoided trouble, but his life changes when he meets the beautiful Yuzuriha Inori. She is one of the members of a resistance group called 'Funeral Parlor'.

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