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Fubar (2023-2024)

2 seasons
2,69 71 votes

Alternative title: FUBAR

State: Returning Series

Genre: Action

Origin: United States

Developed by: Nick Santora

Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Monica Barbaro and Milan Carter

IMDb score: 6,5 (38.714)

Releasedate: Thursday 25 May 2023


Fubar plot

65-year-old CIA agent Luke Brunner is about to retire. During his latest mission, Luke discovers that his daughter Emma is also with the CIA. Both have been lying to each other for years and they realize that their entire relationship is a lie and they don't know each other very well at all. However, father and daughter are forced to work together as partners.

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Opinions about Fubar

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.


  • 2 votes
Friday 26 May 2023
Fubar season 1

I tried to watch the 1st episode but turned it off after 15 minutes or so.
The mutual humor is so irritating and bland that I couldn't watch it.

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  • 1732 votes
Sunday 28 May 2023
Fubar season 1

Very well behaved all, with the exception of some sporadic swearing (which the characters in the later episodes voluntarily replace with more well behaved alternatives like “flubbing”) this hardly deserves the 16-year certificate it received .

I did not expect Predator-1987-like scenes from the now 75-year-old Schwarzenegger, but this hardly exceeds the weekly offer of channels such as ABC / NBC / CBS. The unnecessarily long running time (55 minutes for each episode) didn't help either.

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