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Jenna Ortega panicked when Christina Ricci was cast in Wednesday
Photo: © ANP

Jenna Ortega panicked when Christina Ricci was cast in Wednesday

Jenna Ortega panicked when Christina Ricci was cast in Wednesday
Photo: © ANP

Jenna Ortega says she was "terrified" when Christina Ricci joined the cast of Netflix series, Wednesday.

One of Ricci's most famous roles was as Wednesday Addams in The Addams Family and The Addams Family values.

Wednesday has a gothic personality, is extremely cynical, sharp-witted, and is obsessed with death. Ricci gained acclaim for her performance.

The role has now been taken over by Ortega for the Netflix series based on the character which was released on 23 November, with Ricci returning as another character.

Ortega panicked when she found out she had to do scenes with the original, iconic Wednesday.

"I felt like I was genuinely having a panic attack when I was told,” she told Empire of when Ricci joined the cast.

“I was terrified. She’s a really cool lady. I was fine meeting her, but the first time we did a scene together and she had to see me done up the way she was done up 30 years ago, it was nerve-racking.

"It’s really important to me that I wasn’t ripping anyone off. Christina Ricci’s performance is flawlessly done. It’s pitch-perfect and I wouldn’t change anything about it, which is another reason it was hard for me to do this job.”

Ricci praises Ortega

Even though Ricci has ultimately surrendered the role to Ortega, she was full of praise for the new Wednesday star.

“Jenn is incredible,” Ricci told Variety about her co-star.

“It’s such a great modern take on Wednesday. It’s so true tonally to the heart and soul of , but it’s then it’s incredibly modern and it’s great. I loved working with Tim .”

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