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High Noon (1952)

Western | 85 minutes
3,67 692 votes

Genre: Western / Thriller

Duration: 85 minuten

Alternative titles: Klokslag 12 / De Trein Zal Drie Maal Fluiten

Country: United States

Directed by: Fred Zinnemann

Stars: Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly and Lloyd Bridges

IMDb score: 7,9 (112.862)

Releasedate: 9 June 1952

High Noon plot

"The story of a man who was too proud to run."

Will Kane has been a law enforcement officer in the Kansas town of Hadleyville for years. The day he decides to hand in his badge and get married, he learns that the criminal Frank Miller, who he has arrested, is returning with his gang for revenge. The plan was to leave town with his new bride, but Will decides to stay anyway to face Miller. He tries to get help from the frightened residents.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Marshal Will Kane

Amy Fowler Kane

Mayor Jonas Henderson

Deputy Marshal Harvey Pell

Helen Ramírez

Judge Percy Mettrick

Sam Fuller

Frank Miller

Mildred Fuller

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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A strong western that was an outsider for its time. It is no longer about an adventure film with good cowboys, bad outlaws and possibly some Indians. In addition, this is a story that follows. You can literally see the clock ticking by. It helps to build up an atmosphere of tension step by step. It's not hard that it won an Oscar for best editing.

The film is also a bit loaded. John Wayne thought the vision of the film was bad and refused to act in it. The film was shot in the early post-war years when many Americans became paranoid and lists emerged of too-left figures considered the new enemy. That meant that people didn't want to or couldn't play along with this film. Or that they just got on such a list because of this movie.

The film also has an underlying message, but leaves the opinion open. The marshal who ignores the law and goes into personal confrontation vs. the cowardly village that may have an opinion but doesn't lift a hand when it comes down to it. And then there is the north that did not want to pass the death penalty against the harsher language of the south that immediately wants to get rid of criminals.

Apart from that, High Noon is an exciting western. The music, the ticking clocks, the men waiting for the train, Marshal Will Kane nervously running around looking for help, the train that can finally be heard in the distance, ... Beautifully done. I can follow the choice for black and white. This is not a western for the beautiful landscapes, but for an intriguing atmosphere in a village. Gary Cooper remains a professional and shines in this role. The ladies are not bad either. Still a good movie!

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avatar van Bobbejaantje


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  • 1967 votes

Very simple story but how effective. Despite the shoot-out, the tension is built up throughout the film through a combination of ticking clocks, the psychological play in the village, the repetitive but addictive tune of Tiomkin and of course the brilliant direction and camera work by Fred Zinnemann and Floyd Crosby respectively.

Gary Cooper plays the part that's right for him and gets almost all screen time allotted to him. His wife Grace Kelly is a nice piece of specimen and it is a shame that she has had such a short film career. Nice to see her at work here. So does the rest of the cast, with some more famous headlines here and there. One of the best scenes in the film is the plebiscite in the church. Very recognizable states with everything that is human nature. This scene is typical of the atmosphere of the film. The dark edge of the film is actually not determined by the (external) threat of the bandits, but by the lack of solidarity of the numerically much stronger villagers.

A more than justified classic and a pleasure to review.

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Oldie that I got through the thrift store and was naturally curious about. A western, old movie, Cary Cooper and Grace Kelly, a title that sounds like a clock, lots of good ingredients present, that's for sure. But it's not quite top notch.

There isn't much introduction with the three horsemen crisscrossing the town while the sheriff's wedding is in progress. And it's best to look for that first half hour where this story is going. Who is Frank Miller? What's the problem with the sheriff? And what about that attitude of the citizens, and the problems with Harvey Pell. But then after half an hour it appears that several villagers are openly gushing over Miller and in that sense the real battle emerges. The sheriff has more opponents than enemies it turns out. And that makes the film a lot more interesting.

The lesser thing about High Noon is the datedness that emerges in the pace that is running or standing still, a certain goodness about the whole thing and especially the rather stiff dialogues. It is nice to see Grace Kelly once, Cooper acts well and the tension can be read on his face several times, the very young-looking Lloyd Bridges is very funny and the film has a pleasantly short running time.

High Noon is therefore a competition to weigh good points against bad points, and mainly that is good things against the test of time. High Noon is of course a film that should be seen in the era of the 1950s and as far as I'm concerned not annoying, solid and more than doable for once.

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