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Message from the King (2016)

Thriller | 102 minutes
3,07 67 votes

Genre: Thriller

Duration: 102 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom / Belgium / France

Directed by: Fabrice du Welz

Stars: Chadwick Boseman, Teresa Palmer and Luke Evans

IMDb score: 6,4 (18.558)

Releasedate: 10 May 2017


Message from the King plot

In modern-day Los Angeles, Jacob King (Chadwick Boseman) arrives from South Africa in search of his younger sister. With a few hundred dollars and a return ticket in his pocket, he finds out within 24 hours that his sister has been brutally murdered. 'Message from the King' tells the story of the next six days.

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Admittedly, I was not much of a fan of Calvaire and of more recent production Adoration, but here Du Welz really neutralizes himself as a director. Curious production about royal retaliation (by Black Panther avant la lettre) with a ''I can't breathe'' moment. Furthermore, completely interchangeable writing and tiring cliché edited with the necessary ''flashes'' to the life of the tragic victim. Fortunately, I still have a small soft spot for Teresa Palmer.

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As long as the mystery part holds up, I thought the movie was pretty good. A South African arrives in LA and searches for his missing sister. You can go in many interesting directions with an idea like that. As soon as the monkey gets out of hand, it unfortunately becomes a very clichéd and uninspired thriller that drags on to a weak ending. However, in my opinion, Message had a lot of assets: actors like Evans and Palmer are not exactly bad choices, a revenge story is often wonderful film material and Du Welz, if he gets a chance in the US, I think he will take it and make it happen. something like that. And he chose... a weak script that is shaky on all sides. Still, I give the film 3* because of a fairly strong first half.

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Director Fabrice du Welz's forays into international cinema have been difficult, as this Message from the King proves once again. A drawn-out revenge film full of uninteresting gibberish between characters who just can't develop a unique personality. Chadwick Boseman's acting is not bad, but Du Welz gives the viewer little to no offense or reason to sympathize with him. All personal problems make a tired impression and the large amount of drama slows the whole thing down rather than providing depth. The visual design looks professional and the few action scenes in between are quite entertaining, but that covers most of it.

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