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Act of Violence (1948)

Thriller | 82 minutes
3,53 66 votes

Genre: Thriller / Filmnoir

Duration: 82 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Fred Zinnemann

Stars: Van Heflin, Robert Ryan and Janet Leigh

IMDb score: 7,5 (6.134)

Releasedate: 21 December 1948


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Act of Violence plot

"The manhunt no woman could stop!"

After World War II, veteran Frank Enley and his wife and child lead a quiet life in a small town. One day, fellow soldier Joe Parkson comes to visit him. Parkson is out for revenge for an event that took place in a German POW camp.

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Gripping, grim Noir about an ex-soldier from WWII named Parkson (Robert Ryan) who still has an outstanding score to settle with his ex-fellow soldier Frank (Van Heflin) because of what happened in a Nazi concentration camp a few years ago. Fred Zinnemann succeeds in making you as a viewer curious about the what and why, especially because during the first fifteen minutes you don't really know why Frank is being followed by Parkson, but you gradually get an answer to that. It's also quite clever that you get to know the story from both sides, which makes you sympathize not only with Parkson, but also with Frank. Robert Ryan again plays his role very strongly and was second to none, Van Hefling on the other hand did not play his role badly either but was still second to Ryan. Although I also thought the scene in that traffic tunnel when Frank is on the verge of madness and the scenes in which he walks around rather 'down' were very strong. Furthermore, there is nothing bad to say about the visual aspect of the film, the use of shadows was again cleverly applied.

4.0 stars

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While soldiers are usually portrayed as heroes in American war films, this film highlights that during the war, things also happened in those ranks that cannot stand the light of day. Fred Zinnemann dared to make a fascinating film noir about it, with Robert Ryan as a somewhat sinister avenging angel. It's just a pity that according to the unwritten film laws of the time, evil must also be punished here, so that the final denouement is less surprising than it could have been. In the run-up to that, it is quite an exciting film.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Quite a strong noir. Dramatically it is not entirely convincing. You do notice that the central relationship between Leigh and Heflin is considered important, but it also simply gets too little playing time. In addition, the exaggerated acting does not always work.
What remains is a fairly atmospheric film that never bores, that gives a nice view of the life of the ordinary American just after the war and has beautiful photography with deep black shadows. In addition, there are two scenes that stand out. The first is at the couple's home when Parkson walks around the outside, with that dragging of his foot but also the crane that is still running. And the last scene on that shunting yard where the music stops, there are many wide shots and only the wind can be heard on the soundtrack. Such a scene makes you suspect that the film is about 30 years younger. 3.5*.

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