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Babygirl (2024)

Mystery | 114 minutes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 114 minuten

Country: United States / Netherlands

Directed by: Halina Reijn

Stars: Nicole Kidman, Harris Dickinson and Sophie Wilde

IMDb score: 6,0 (38.297)

Releasedate: 25 December 2024

Babygirl plot

"This Christmas get exactly what you want."

The highly regarded CEO Romy is married to Jacob. She begins an affair with the much younger Samuel, the charismatic intern at her company. With their secret relationship, she risks both her family happiness and her career.

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Romy [Nicole Kidman] is the CEO of a male-dominated technology company and has a loving husband [Antonio Banderas] and two thriving daughters [Esther McGregor, Vaughan Reilly]. The introduction to intern Samuel [Harris Dickinson] opens the door to sexual fantasies that Romy has suppressed for decades. Starts like a kind of 50+ Shades Of Grey with many sex scenes and little depth to the characters. Reijn shows her self-confidence in her sophisticated camera direction and the sex scenes in which Kidman is remarkably vulnerable. It all remains a bit tame (so as not to offend conservative viewers too much) and the denouement is hackneyed, but the message about the importance of communication within sexual relationships is valuable and Kidman, Dickinson and Banderas do an excellent job.

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Considerably less than its predecessor Bodies Bodies Bodies, if you ask me. Especially at the beginning, the film is rather explanatory. Or rather: you see the purpose of each scene. That is a bit distracting, if you see the idea behind the film throughout the film. It's fine that you adhere to the theory that no sparrow should fall from the roof without it having meaning, but if you already know what that meaning is during the fall, there is little to enjoy.

But once all the pieces are on the board, the film gains momentum and life begins to take over. I found the mutual power relationship between the two main characters to be very well developed. I didn't have much sympathy for either of them, which made it hard to empathize with, but that's more of a mismatch than a value judgment.

I liked the direction better than the script. There were beautiful shots and the filming was close-up, which made it quite intense at times.

The soundtrack was really objectively bad, with George Michael and INXS. I wanted to ask for my money back, but there was no one behind the counter. The cinema got away with it.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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I can quite agree with the piece of starbright boy above. I would like to add a few things. First of all the striking direction with occasionally nice tracking shots, tasteful decoration and a soundtrack that is also nice and broad and the music works well as support. Certainly the second hour is weaker in content but also starts to drag because there is a sequence of attraction and repulsion and the film actually does not really develop anymore and in my opinion repeats itself too much. Kidman is okay but Banderas has the best role. 3.0*.

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