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Tale of the Mummy (1998)

Horror | 88 minutes
1,74 56 votes

Genre: Horror / Scifi

Duration: 88 minuten

Alternative titles: Talos the Mummy / Russell Mulcahy's Tale of the Mummy

Country: United States / Luxembourg / United Kingdom

Directed by: Russell Mulcahy

Stars: Jason Scott Lee, Louise Lombard and Sean Pertwee

IMDb score: 4,0 (3.578)

Releasedate: 19 March 1998

Tale of the Mummy plot

"The curse is legend. The terror is real."

The tomb of an ancient Egyptian prince is sealed with an everlasting curse. When after thousands of years an expedition team manages to penetrate to the tomb of the sinister prince, the curse is activated. Each member of the expedition horribly disappears from the scene. The mystery is lifted fifty years later by the granddaughter of the then leader. She single-handedly reopens the investigation and finds a curious amulet. It soon becomes apparent that after thousands of years, Prince Talos' curse has not lost its strength.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Samantha Turkel

Bradley Cortese

Dr. Claire Mulrooney

Professor Marcus

Detective Bartone

Captain Shea

Edith Butros

Sir Richard Turkel

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