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Sangue per Dracula (1974)

Horror | 103 minutes
2,82 85 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 103 minuten

Alternative titles: Blood for Dracula / Andy Warhol's Draculax / Andy Warhol's Dracula / Young Dracula / Dracula / Andy Warhol's Young Dracula / Dracula Cerca Sangue di Vergine / Dracula Cerca Sangue di Vergine E... Morì di Sete!!! / Dracula Vuole Vivere: Cerca Sangue di Vergine! / Du Sang pour Dracula

Country: Italy / France / United States

Directed by: Paul Morrissey

Stars: Joe Dallesandro, Udo Kier and Arno Juerging

IMDb score: 6,1 (6.991)

Releasedate: 13 August 1974

Sangue per Dracula plot

"He couldn't live without a virgin's blood..... ...So a virgin had to die!"

Count Dracula is a vampire who regularly has to drink a certain amount of blood from a virgin woman. That is why he decides to travel to Italy, where families are so religious that the daughters are still virgins before the marriage. He arrives at a family with no fewer than four daughters who will soon be married off, but when Dracula tries to drink their blood, they turn out not to be as innocent as they claim. Additional danger is the servant Balato, who watches Dracula's strange behavior with suspicion.

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