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Prophecy (1979)

Horror | 102 minutes
2,81 81 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 102 minuten

Alternative title: Prophecy: The Monster Movie

Country: United States

Directed by: John Frankenheimer

Stars: Robert Foxworth, Talia Shire and Armand Assante

IMDb score: 5,6 (6.478)

Releasedate: 2 February 1980

Prophecy plot

"She lives. Don't move. Don't breathe. There's nowhere to run. She will find you."

Robert Verne is offered a job drafting a report on a property dispute between a paper mill and the local Indians. Verne and his wife Maggie head into the wooded area and begin their investigation. They soon discover that the entire area has been poisoned by large amounts of mercury in the water, causing the animals to give birth to deformed young. A monster also roams the forest...

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Prophecy has a wonderful 70's atmosphere and fits perfectly into the list of eco-horrors from that time. After an obligatory build-up, the film really takes off in the last half hour with a mutant bear running amok. This makes for some memorable scenes.

Longer review:

Prophecy (John Frankenheimer) – film review | It's Only a Movie - itsonlyamovie.nl

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Mediocre film in which a health inspector has to draw up a report on a paper factory in a nature reserve. A horror film with an ecological message. Well structured, but it is a bit long-winded. Furthermore, the final sample doesn't look very convincing. Plenty of beautiful pictures of nature and landscape. Just under 3.0 stars.

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Interesting video!

Nice and original story.

Funny to see Talia Shire in a horror film (of course better known as Connie Corleone Rizzi in The Godfather).

The monster looked wonderfully ugly and dirty...I love it! No CGI bullshit, just old-fashioned craftsmanship as it should be and that's why these kinds of films from the 70's have so much charm! They're just real movies! Pieces of art!

Occasionally the acting is quite weak, but this is not necessarily disturbing because it is more about dry acting than overacting (which can sometimes make characters come across as quite retarded, which is fortunately not the case here).

Prophecy (1979) is full of great film music!

4☆ for this charming late 70's Monster Flick!

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