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Nekromantik 2 (1991)

Horror | 104 minutes
2,45 41 votes

Genre: Horror / Drama

Duration: 104 minuten

Country: Germany

Directed by: Jörg Buttgereit

Stars: Carola Ewers and Jörg Buttgereit

IMDb score: 5,2 (4.385)

Releasedate: 7 May 1991


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Nekromantik 2 plot

"The return of the loving dead"

Sexy sister Monika has a problem. She is torn between two lovers: Mark, a mere mortal, and Rob, a living dead. Mark is sweet and reliable, but not as good in bed as her dead lover Rob.

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What an experience. I liked this part better than part 1. It is a quiet film. Don't expect horror. More of a twisted love story about a woman whose love for the dead is stronger than for the living. I was able to keep my attention better here than with the first part. Shame about the unnecessary scene with the seal. And the ending is also just very satisfying. 3.5 stars for me

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Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone. So today I put on Nekromantik 2, infamous for its gore and filth, which is not really my kind of genre. Now there are some gory moments here and there, with not only necrophilia but also an extensive autopsy on a seal and some murder and violence with very mediocre special effects. Now that is not that interesting, but the film is above all deadly boring. For most of the film you watch two completely uninteresting figures and their relationship vicissitudes, including the necrophiliac Monika. Really, it's like watching the proverbial paint dry on the wall, except maybe it gives you a bit of zen. But I really don't recommend this to anyone, I'm going back into my comfort zone.

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It is of course special that these types of concepts get a sequel, but director Jörg Buttgereit turns out to be a hit-or-miss when it comes to horror films. Sometimes he works very creatively with his limited budget, but Nekromantik 2 clearly suffers from a slightly too arrogant approach. I found the psychology behind the images unconvincing and above all very simple, which quickly made the absurd character of the film pointless. Moreover, it is not much different than the first part (even the famous 'animal cruelty' finds its way back) shamelessly aping, except for the fact that the perspective between man and woman is now switched. The choice of music as well as the alienating editing to create a romantic atmosphere mainly cause discomfort, especially since I cannot follow the appeal for these topics. It may have all passed me by, but for me a film like this remains a case of cheap scoring with shock. The unfortunate thing is that Buttgereit continues to focus heavily on the disturbing nature of the whole thing, but it is all so incredibly bland and forced that the impact is completely lost.

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