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Geung Si (2013)

Horror | 105 minutes
2,97 84 votes

Genre: Horror / Action

Duration: 105 minuten

Alternative titles: Rigor Mortis / Jiang Shi / 殭屍

Country: Hong-Kong

Directed by: Juno Mak

Stars: Kara Wai and Richard Ng

IMDb score: 6,3 (6.583)

Releasedate: 6 September 2013

Geung Si plot

"The Dead Will Rise"

The story is set in a gruesome and dark Hong Kong apartment complex, where the locals will quickly become familiar with the world of the undead in the form of vampires, zombies and ghosts. We follow the story of Siu-Ho Chin, a former vampire hunter/actor who is out of work, separated from his wife and estranged from his son. He takes room 2442 in a social housing tower, allegedly a haunted apartment. His goal is to end his miserable existence, but he is hindered by the other "inhabitants" of the building. Even though Siu-Ho isn't superstitious, he will still have to adapt to a new disconcerting reality.

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