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The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns (1999)

Fantasy | 172 minutes (mini series, 2 parts)
3,39 93 votes

Genre: Fantasy / Comedy

Duration: 172 minuten (mini series, 2 parts)

Alternative title: Magische Legende van de Dwergen, De

Country: United Kingdom / United States / Germany

Directed by: John Henderson

Starst: Whoopi Goldberg, Jonathan Firth and Randy Quaid

IMDb score: 7,0 (4.566)

Releasedate: 1 January 1999


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns plot

American businessman Jack Woods (Randy Quaid) ends up on an idyllic Irish island in search of suitable vacation spots. He finds himself in a war between dwarves and elves.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

The Grand Banshee

Count Grogan

Jack Woods

Sean Devine

Jericho O'Grady

Barney O'Grady

George Fitzpatrick

Kathleen Fitzpatrick

General Bulstrode

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