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Vision Quest (1985)

Drama | 105 minutes
2,91 32 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 105 minuten

Alternative title: Crazy for You

Country: United States

Directed by: Harold Becker

Stars: Matthew Modine, Linda Fiorentino and Michael Schoeffling

IMDb score: 6,7 (10.770)

Releasedate: 15 February 1985

Vision Quest plot

"All he needed was a lucky break. Then one day she moved in."

18-year-old Louden Swain is the best wrestler in his weight class in school. He trains day and night to lose weight. Then he can move down 2 classes and challenge the current champion, Shoot. Carla is 21 and is stranded by car trouble in the town where Louden lives. They meet and soon Louden is madly in love. His sports ambitions decline under the influence of his crush.

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