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The Visitor (2007)

Drama | 104 minutes
3,60 709 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 104 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Tom McCarthy

Stars: Richard Jenkins, Haaz Sleiman and Danai Gurira

IMDb score: 7,6 (45.189)

Releasedate: 7 September 2007

The Visitor plot

"Connection is everything."

Walter Vale, a lonely widower and economics professor, travels to New York for a conference. When he arrives at his apartment, he finds two illegal immigrants. He regains color in his life when he befriends them. However, disaster strikes and one of them is arrested.

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  • 2706 messages
  • 5451 votes

A beautiful, understated drama with excellent acting by the entire cast. A good story with a calm yet pleasant atmosphere. Fortunately, we chose not to go for an obvious ending, even if that would have been easier. This ending nicely shows the harsh reality. Great movie!

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Fisico (moderator films)

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The visitor is a pleasantly good drama film without really reaching high peaks. Walter Vale is a somewhat worn out gruff man who finds two illegal immigrants in one of his apartments in New York. A New York that is set after 9/11 and where immigration services are stricter than ever before. This is also apparent when Tarek is deliberately stopped on the subway and locked up in a closed center.

You should not expect a lot of cooperation, explanation or empathy from the staff. The contrast with the beginning of the film is great, where a mutual friendship developed between Tarek and Walter. What follows is a cold system in which (illegals) are extradited through mock processes. It is data that the general public hardly knows about, but is now being expressed. Fear clearly rules and ordinary citizens are also victims of being identified with terrorists. The film also shows that other cultures can be enriching for a society. Blurring boundaries and norms is the theme within The visitor. Fortunately, the film also contains some warm moments. For example, the djembe-playing Walter was a welcome relief.

A decent film that plays very safe with no real peaks (or dips). 3.5*!

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  • 280 messages
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Beautiful movie; everything is well taken care of; every shot carefully chosen, every feature subtly turned on, every piece of music balanced with the tempo of the film and every word weighted. The film is slow without getting bored and slowly builds up to a fairly intense story with sharp social criticism; (just like Syria the mother sighed when she experienced how disenfranchised her son was treated. The strongest thing about the film is how beautifully people are portrayed: vulnerable, dependent but above all else. worth loving.Absolutely recommended!

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