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The Rose (1979)

Drama | 125 minutes
3,33 152 votes

Genre: Drama / Music

Duration: 125 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Mark Rydell

Stars: Bette Midler, Alan Bates and Frederic Forrest

IMDb score: 7,0 (9.510)

Releasedate: 7 November 1979


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


The Rose plot

"She gave and gave, until she had nothing left to give"

Tired of the many tours, Rose tells her manager she wants to take a year off. However, he refuses and Rose finds herself in a downward spiral. First she meets the driver Dyer in whom she thinks she recognizes the great love of her life. Dyer, however, can't deal with the dark sides of her success and leaves her. A performance in her former hometown also turns out to be her last when the downtrodden singer ingests a fatal combination of drink and drugs.

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Dazzling and at the same time gloomy story about the demise of a celebrated singer, loosely based on the sad life of Janis Joplin. Bette Midler throws everything into the fray to fulfill her role in a more than believable way. The usually energetic Alan Bates, on the other hand, plays rather lackluster. The music isn't exactly my thing, with the exception of the title song, but then the film is over.

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Good film about a famous singer whose artist life is starting to take its toll. The main character comes out well, partly thanks to a career-making debut role by Bette Midler. The performances may make the film a bit long, but they manage to evoke the feeling of a live performance and are also beautifully shot.

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A bit too long, but it is a strongly acted and compelling drama, inspired by the life and tragic end of Janis Joplin. The Rose is a character film par excellence with Bette Midler in her strongest performance as a successful rock singer who leads an unhappy life behind the scenes and is also a heavy drinker. She is also mentally exhausted from the heavy work rhythm that her manager Rudge imposes on her. and carries with him a past as a junkie with a bad reputation. She experiences her fame as a form of captivity controlled by Rudge. There seems to be a bright spot when she meets Huston Dyer who offers her new perspectives in life. The music may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I thought it fit well with the sometimes rough country 'n western atmosphere throughout the film.

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