Genre: Drama
Duration: 93 minuten
Directed by: Hans-Christian Schmid
Stars: Sandra Hüller, Burghart Klaußner and Imogen Kogge
IMDb score: 6,9 (6.492)
Releasedate: 2 March 2006
Requiem plot
"She claimed she was possessed. There was no way to know for sure."
Michaela grows up in a deeply religious family in the south of Germany. Despite her severe epilepsy, she yearns to leave her parental home and go to college. But the standards at university differ from those at home, and the freedom and friendship she encounters there makes Michaela question her faith in God, her family, and herself. Meanwhile, her seizures become more frequent and severe, although the causes are unclear. Because Michaela is afraid that she will be sent home, she decides to seek help from a priest who confirms her suspicions: She is possessed. Her new school friends try to convince her to seek psychiatric help, but they fail to get through Michaela's religious and moral beliefs, and in the end they have no choice but to leave her to her own devices.
Actors and actresses
Michaela Klingler
Karl Klingler
Marianne Klingler
Hanna Imhof
Stefan Weiser
Gerhart Landauer
Helga Klingler
Martin Borchert
Reviews & comments
- 731 messages
- 762 votes
sterk drama, alleen jammer dat het einde niet beter is uitgewerkt ,de film stopt abrupt, had voor mij anders meer sterren verdiend,
strong drama, just a pity that the ending isn't worked out better, the film ends abruptly, otherwise it would have deserved more stars for me,
- 12893 messages
- 7675 votes
Authentiek ogende film over de psychische teloorgang van een jonge vrouw, geïnspireerd door ware gebeurtenissen. Regisseur Schmid weet prima de verleiding te weerstaan om het schokeffect te verhogen met horrorelementen, zoals dat in andere films over “bezetenheid” vaak gebeurt. Zijn realistische aanpak komt de kwaliteit van de film ten goede. Temeer omdat het zo al schokkend genoeg is. Mijn conclusie: hoed u —ongeacht de geloofsovertuiging die je aanhangt— voor priesters, dominees, imams en hun “beroepsgenoten”, die zich zonder noemenswaardige vakkennis gaan bemoeien met psychiatrische stoornissen. Hun interventies zijn vaak erger dan de kwaal.
Authentic looking film about the psychological demise of a young woman, inspired by true events. Director Schmid knows how to resist the temptation to increase the shock effect with horror elements, as often happens in other films about "possession". His realistic approach improves the quality of the film. Especially since it's shocking enough already.
My conclusion: beware of priests, pastors, imams and their “professionals”, regardless of the religion you adhere to, who start meddling with psychiatric disorders without appreciable professional knowledge. Their interventions are often worse than the disease.
Fisico (moderator films)
- 9210 messages
- 5057 votes
Een tragische film over een plattelandsvrouw die met tegenzin van haar ouders de dorpsgemeenschap ontvlucht door te gaan studeren in de stad waarbij de zorgende hand (én controle) van de parochie niet langer aanwezig is. Komt daarbij dat Michaela streng gelovig is opgevoed en zich aanvankelijk ook zo gedraagt. Het zorgt ervoor dat ze wat een vreemde eend in de bijt is. Het betert er niet op wanneer ze ook lijdt aan epileptische en psychotische aanvallen. Enerzijds wil ze zich lostrekken van haar verstikkende streng religieuze thuisomgeving, anderzijds zoekt ze deze terug weer op, maar stuit ze op onbegrip en worden haar visoenen aangezien als 'bezetenheid'. Schrijnend portret waarbij je toch even stilstaat dat kwakzalverij al heel wat menselijk leed heeft berokkend.
A tragic film about a rural woman who, reluctantly by her parents, flees the village community to study in the city where the caring hand (and control) of the parish is no longer present. In addition, Michaela was raised to be a strict believer and initially behaves that way. It makes her what an odd man out.
It doesn't get better when she also suffers from epileptic and psychotic seizures. On the one hand she wants to break free from her stifling, strictly religious home environment, on the other she seeks it out again, but encounters misunderstanding and her visions are seen as 'possession'.
A poignant portrait that makes you stop and think that quackery has already caused a lot of human suffering.
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