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Mais Ne Nous Délivrez Pas du Mal (1971)

Drama | 102 minutes
3,26 35 votes

Genre: Drama / Horror

Duration: 102 minuten

Alternative title: Don't Deliver Us from Evil

Country: France

Directed by: Joël Séria

Stars: Jeanne Goupil, Catherine Wagener and Bernard Dhéran

IMDb score: 6,7 (2.885)

Releasedate: 5 April 1971


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Mais Ne Nous Délivrez Pas du Mal plot

"A film that goes where no other has dared."

Anne and Lore are teenagers, neighbors and best friends, vowed to sin at a boarding school to serve Satan. Anne keeps a secret agenda, the girls read a wicked novel together, get into trouble with a classmate, spy on the sisters, set aside their communion wafers and make a pact of devotion. The summer vacation begins. Anne's parents leave her alone at the castle for two months, unaware of the harm both girls will do.

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