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Joy Division (2006)

Drama | 105 minutes
2,88 4 votes

Genre: Drama / War

Duration: 105 minuten

Alternative title: Vörös Vihar

Country: United Kingdom / Germany / Hungary

Directed by: Reg Traviss

Stars: Ed Stoppard, Tom Schilling and Michelle Gayle

IMDb score: 6,0 (1.007)

Releasedate: 17 November 2006


Joy Division plot

In 1944, the fourteen-year-old teenager Thomas is called up to fight in the German army. He survives, but his hometown is completely destroyed, his family dies in the heavy bombings and his great love Melanie is raped and murdered by soldiers of the Russian army. A commissary takes the orphan Thomas to the Soviet Union and there he is placed in a military school. Years later, during the Cold War, Thomas becomes a KGB agent and is assigned to work in London. Living with the ghosts of his past and the constant fear of paranoia, he meets the dark Londoner Yvonne, who gives him strength and joy in his life.

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