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Indictment: The McMartin Trial (1995)

Drama | 135 minutes
3,55 73 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 135 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Mick Jackson

Stars: James Woods, Henry Thomas and Mercedes Ruehl

IMDb score: 7,5 (4.528)

Releasedate: 20 May 1995


Indictment: The McMartin Trial plot

The name McMartin is still associated by many people with a terrible crime, which is "child abuse." Ten years after the case began, the names McMartin and Buckey still echo the hysteria caused by one of the most extraordinary criminal cases in American history. The McMartin case has made child abuse a topic of discussion. The McMartin lawsuit lasted six years and cost approximately $15 million, making it the longest and most expensive lawsuit in the world.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Danny Davis

Virginia McMartin

Ray Buckey

Peggy Buckey

Wayne Satz

Peggy Ann Buckey

Christine Johnson

Glenn Stevens

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Television film recorded on video at the time, has since been transferred to DVD and has since been viewed several times.

Oppressive courtroom drama, in which the prosecutors try to bend the truth at all costs. Fantastic roles from James Woods and a driven, but very annoying Mercedes Ruehl.


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Good film in which a family who run a kindergarten are accused of child abuse. Based on a compelling true story about a court case that has dragged on for years. The characters are a bit one-sided, but it's more about how it all came to this.

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Maybe it is the tip of a huge and terrible iceberg, but this must have been one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in the US, comparable to the Guildfourd Four (In The Name Of The Father) and Lucia de B. People want to see blood . And the media, of course, join in the fun.

It's both sad and at times very witty and humorous (that joke with Chuck Norris was masterful). Woods is in his element as an ambitious, seemingly cynical, yet involved lawyer who knows how things work. The film manages to maintain well from start to finish, even though you know from the start where the weakness is in the evidence. Kee McFarlane, who gets the testimonials from the kids is really a zelote creep here too, brrr. Ruehl is the typical prosecutor with tunnel vision and little professionalism or integrity. I didn't like the one who plays Ray Buckey. This man must have suffered immensely, but the actor is just a little too stoic for me. His mother's suffering was more apparent.

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