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Dresden (2006)

Drama | 176 minutes / 145 minutes (theatrical release)
3,43 486 votes

Genre: Drama / War

Duration: 176 minuten / 145 minuten (theatrical release)

Alternative title: Dresden: The Inferno

Country: Germany

Directed by: Roland Suso Richter

Stars: Benjamin Sadler, John Light and Felicitas Woll

IMDb score: 6,6 (2.737)

Releasedate: 5 March 2006


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Dresden plot

The German nurse Anna Mauth (Felicitas Woll) has nothing to do with the soldiers who attack her homeland. However, when one day she comes into contact with the downed English pilot Robert Newman, love strikes. This causes Anna many problems; also because she is engaged to Chief Doctor Alexander Wenninger.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Robert Newman

Alexander Wenninger

Maria Goldberg

Simon Goldberg

Maria Goldberg

Pfarrer der Frauenkirche

Simon Goldberg

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  • 12893 messages
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I believe this television film was made to commemorate the devastating bombing of Dresden on the occasion of the reconstruction of the Frauenkirche. This is probably why the film focuses so much on the firestorm that arose in this inferno, in which 25,000 people were killed.

I think the romantic storyline was added to "spice up" the movie a bit. Therein immediately lies the weakness of this film, because the speed with which an English pilot and a German nurse develop an intimate relationship seems rather unlikely to me. Apart from that, the brutal way in which a Briton walks around in a German city at the end of the war – in the midst of Gestapo and police – is also not very credible.

But if you take all that for granted, it's quite an interesting film with excellent camera work and beautiful lead roles by Felicitas Woll and John Light. In addition, the sinister atmosphere, which must have prevailed after the bombings, is well represented.

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It's not a bad war movie in itself. Although the basic story of the English pilot and the nurse is very predictable. The last days of Dresden just before the end of the war. The acting is good and the story is still interesting. It also often contains very beautiful and spectacular images. But there are also clearly lesser elements in the film. The whole story in which the English pilot appears is completely unbelievable. Also, a lot of people manage to meet each other by chance towards the end. The whole ending of the movie from the bombing is ridiculously dramatic anyway. Everything that has been carefully built up throughout the film is broken down again in the same careful way. And so you as a viewer are left with a very empty feeling. Have I been watching this for almost three hours?

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Quite a decent level for a television movie.

They try the same thing here as what worked well with the larger productions Titanic and Pearl Harbor: dress a monumental event with a romantic story, and the audience is on the edge of their seat.....

That doesn't work as well here as with the two examples mentioned, especially because the protagonists lack charisma. Mrs. Woll can just get through with it, Mr. Light is a lightweight, acts like a jack-of-all-trades. The mud colors in which the film is shot don't really help me either.

Positive is the strong portrayal of the downfall of Dresden, which is what it is really about. Visualized with a sense of detail and authenticity, making the madness of war really palpable once again. The last hour is therefore the most memorable part of this overall successful war film.

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