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Closer (2004)

Drama | 104 minutes
3,13 1.372 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 104 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom

Directed by: Mike Nichols

Stars: Clive Owen, Julia Roberts and Jude Law

IMDb score: 7,2 (242.550)

Releasedate: 3 December 2004

Closer plot

"If you believe in love at first sight, you never stop looking."

When American Alice is hit by a car in London, Dan takes her to the hospital. This signifies the start of a relationship. However, writer Dan falls in love with photographer Anna, who rejects him. For fun, Dan makes a sex appointment for Anna on the internet. This is how Anna meets the dermatologist Larry, whom she eventually marries. But Dan still hasn't forgotten Anna.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Anna Cameron

Dan Woolf

Larry Gray

Customs Officer

Taxi Driver

Car Driver (uncredited)

Chatty Exhibition Guest (uncredited)

Coughing Man (uncredited)

Bus Passenger (uncredited)

All Media

Trailer & other videos

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A film that made me think about love, about how truth doesn't always have to be a companion of love...

Not a top, but a sub-topper ('tje)

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avatar van kissyfur


  • 325 messages
  • 498 votes

Fine. Just a shame that Julia Roberts was cast. Law and Portman decent, Owen better but sometimes over the edge. There are some strong scenes in it, especially the break up scenes . But somehow it also poops f in sometimes.
Worth a review.

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This film has a lot of dialogue, which is of course very logical because it is a film adaptation of a play of the same name.

The star cast, because that's what you can call it with four big names, is overwhelmingly convincing, but not everything appealed to me to be honest.

Clive Owen goes towards the unbelievable towards the end, Jude Law didn't get any better either and certain choices made were far from convincing.

Still, overall this is a decent drama with generally good acting. Julia Roberts is the absolute star of this film, class actress remains that.


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