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Blackmail (1991)

Drama | 90 minutes
2,60 5 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 90 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Ruben Preuss

Stars: Susan Blakely, Dale Midkiff and Beth Toussaint

IMDb score: 4,8 (147)

Releasedate: 23 October 1991


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Blackmail plot

"A private affair is about to get maximum exposure"

The couple Scott Mayfield (Dale Midkiff) and Charlene (Beth Toussaint) earn a living in a curious way: he seduces wealthy married ladies and she takes compromising photos at the ultimate moment... Then they extort sweet sums from their victims. However, they cut their fingers with Lucinda Seller (Susan Blakely), because her husband Gene (JohnSaxon), a shady businessman, has shady connections; moreover, the uncouth duo is caught by the grubby private detective Norm (Mac Davis), who forces them into even more blackmail. Soon corpses fall.

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