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Heima (2007)

Documentary | 97 minutes
3,78 406 votes

Genre: Documentary / Music

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: Iceland

Directed by: Dean DeBlois

Starst: Jon Thor Birgisson, Orri P. Dyrason and Georg Hólm

IMDb score: 8,4 (8.377)

Releasedate: 27 September 2007


Heima plot

Heima, which means as much as home, is a documentary with which the Icelandic group Sigur Rós wants to pay tribute to her beloved country. The band members want to give something back to the country to which they owe so much. They do this, among other things, by giving small-scale concerts in unusual locations, such as in an abandoned fish factory and a village hall. Dean DeBlois follows them on their journey across the island.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Well, only because it is in the top250, viewed. No idea what it does in it, regardless of whether you are a music lover or a specific fan of Sigur Ros. Heima, referring to 'Home', Iceland, the cradle of the group.

The quiet "hippie music" didn't bother me and the images of beautiful Iceland are breathtaking. It is an ode to this mysterious island and its inhabitants with performances in special places combined with a beautiful flora. But that doesn't make this a cinematic masterpiece, let alone a top 250 entry.

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Heima is more like a trip through the Icelandic landscapes and the beauty that comes with it. Accompanied by the music of Sigur Ros though. A band I had never heard of before watching the film. I'm not very deep in music, and artists like this band completely pass me by.

Still, I'm glad I saw the film because the music turned out to be very appealing to me. After a while the effect of the songs starts to wear off a bit, but the first songs and especially the last song are of great magnificence. Songs that you can dream away to, not many bands can make such a unique experience possible with their music.

As a documentary, I found this to be quite mediocre. You don't get to know much about the band, it's mainly the motivation you get to know here. However, I am not at all interested in the motivation why they tour the country. I don't care why this band plays, as long as they play. Then I'm completely happy again, but it's a shame that not every song is played in high quality here.

The visual side of this journey is very beautiful, especially because of the strong atmosphere that the landscapes give to the whole thing. Brilliant images actually, well supported by the music. Cinematographically, there is nothing wrong with the film. It gives things a raw but also a colorful atmosphere. I have little to complain about as a lover of visual splendor.

Perhaps the film has little content and what you eventually get to see is more beautiful, but nevertheless I thought it was a successful viewing. A top 250 listing is undoubtedly too high, but the music and raw imagery of Iceland's landscapes make up for many of the substantive shortcomings. Nice discovery.

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