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Filmworker (2017)

Documentary | 94 minutes
3,25 8 votes

Genre: Documentary / Biography

Duration: 94 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Tony Zierra

Stars: Leon Vitali, Stanley Kubrick and Ryan O'Neal

IMDb score: 7,4 (3.592)

Releasedate: 11 May 2018


Filmworker plot

"An obsession with creativity and Kubrick"

Leon Vitali gave up fame and fortune to work in the shadows for someone else's creative vision. Vitali starred in Barry Lyndon as a young actor and then gave up his flourishing acting career to work as Stanley Kubrick's faithful right-hand man. For over two decades, he played an important role behind the scenes to help Kubrick. His experiences are interspersed in 'Filmworker' with never before released photos, videos and letters.

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