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The File of the Golden Goose (1969)

Crime | 109 minutes
2,61 9 votes

Genre: Crime / Thriller

Duration: 109 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Sam Wanamaker

Stars: Yul Brynner, Charles Gray and Edward Woodward

IMDb score: 5,5 (687)

Releasedate: 13 October 1969


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


The File of the Golden Goose plot

American agent Peter Novak is sent to London to help Scotland Yard in a major counterfeiting case. Agent Thompson becomes his partner, and they follow the suspect, dubbed The Owl, in the hopes of the big gangster boss Mr. Big to catch.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Peter Novak

Harrison, 'The Owl'

Arthur Thompson

Supt. Sloane

Angela 'Tina' Richmond

George Leeds


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