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Nie Ma Mocnych (1974)

Comedy | 89 minutes
2,25 2 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 89 minuten

Alternative title: Take It Easy

Country: Poland

Directed by: Sylwester Checinski

Stars: Wacław Kowalski, Władysław Hańcza and Anna Dymna

IMDb score: 7,5 (2.216)

Releasedate: 28 May 1974


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Nie Ma Mocnych plot

Two peasants, Kargul and Pawlak, known from the first part of this trilogy, Sami Sowi, have forgotten the old disagreements eighteen years later. Then, however, clouds reappear on the horizon. When neither have suitable successors to inherit their farms, they are compelled to bend fate to their will. The young granddaughter's marriage is the goal of their plans to keep the possessions in the hands of the family.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Kazimierz Pawlak

Wladyslaw Kargul

Ania Pawlak

Witia Pawlak, syn Kazimierza

Jadźka Pawlakowa, córka Kargula

Paweł Pawlak, młodszy syn Kazimierza

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