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Blinded by the Light (2019)

Comedy | 118 minutes
3,36 337 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 118 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / United States / France

Directed by: Gurinder Chadha

Stars: Viveik Kalra, Kulvinder Ghir and Meera Ganatra

IMDb score: 6,9 (27.840)

Releasedate: 9 August 2019

Blinded by the Light plot

"For anyone who has ever wanted to dream. You're not alone."

Great Britain, the 1980s. Javid is a Muslim boy who one day finds a cassette tape of music by Bruce Springsteen. Much to the dismay of his family, he becomes fascinated by the singer. Springsteen's music helps Javid get to know himself and his family better.

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Vidi well

  • 519 messages
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A film that I judge with my heart and less with my mind.

The story is very simple: an adolescent misfit has to discover himself, and music gives him the strength to do so. The first hour felt like my own childhood on the silver screen: misfit at school, hardworking parents, budding creative talents, and an obsession with music. In my case it was Bon Jovi, Guns 'n Roses and also Bruce Springsteen, and the sense of 'finding understanding' in the lyrics of an artist from another era is very recognizable. This film aptly portrays how inspiring lyrics and uplifting music can illuminate, or even improve, everyday life. How music can be a subterfuge, as well as a catalyst that can help you rise above yourself.

Some scenes felt a bit redundant (the musical-like scene on the market) for example, and the dance scene on Born to Run was also quite cringe-inducing.
I really liked the father-son story. Although it ticks off all the clichés neatly, it really touched me. This is mainly due to the convincing acting of Javed's father. You feel the hard struggle that this outsider in Britain has to fight in order to live with any dignity. And you feel his frustration when he finds himself barely succeeding in this and sees himself estranged from his son.

A film with great optimism, but also a big tear. Just like the music of The Boss has always been.


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Good film about a boy chasing his dream to become a writer. A coming of age story packaged like a musical feel-good movie. Bruce Springsteen's music and lyrics support the story in an excellent way. It cannot be called original, but partly due to the nostalgic image of the time, the film quickly looks away.

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This is a textbook example of an untrue movie. Blinded by the light is purely schematic in its character portrayal and themes. And then play on the public's sense of recognition with music or other cultural references, evoke an image of the time, mix in a few general human experiences about adolescence, but meanwhile have nothing new to say until far behind the decimal point. That opening with the children, that's where it goes wrong, nobody can tell me that he thinks that is a credible scene. The music is also so unsubtly plastered all the time, right down to the literal lyrics on screen, not to mention the dance scenes as a clear sign of bad taste. Blinded by the light is a level B children's book film. Nothing to the detriment of children's books, by the way, they are intended that way. I still have three quarters of an hour to see him off, but I think I'll leave it at that.

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