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Arthur (2011)

Comedy | 110 minutes
2,82 495 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 110 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Jason Winer

Stars: Russell Brand, Jennifer Garner and Helen Mirren

IMDb score: 5,7 (53.390)

Releasedate: 8 April 2011

Arthur plot

"Meet the world's only loveable billionaire."

Arthur is an irresponsible charmer who has always been able to count on two things: his infinite fortune and the common sense of his ever-faithful 'nanny' Hobson (Helen Mirren), who always keeps him out of trouble. Now he faces his greatest challenge; he must choose between an arranged marriage to ambitious businesswoman Susan (Jennifer Garner) or an uncertain future with Naomi (Greta Gerwig), the woman he truly loves. Is he going for his excessively luxurious lifestyle or for the one thing money can't buy: real love.

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K. V.

  • 4217 messages
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Brought this one along and despite the fact that I didn't have many expectations, it was still not that bad. The film will of course not win the prize in terms of originality, but nevertheless the film is not boring either.

The cast did their best and at times the movie was funny.

All in all, a fun movie to watch. Not really a must-see, but I haven't complained either.

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Mediocre film in which a millionaire's son has to marry against his will to be sure of his money. In itself a fresh remake, but the film lacks the charm of the original. Furthermore, there is little original about this romcom and it all goes on too long. Russell Brand is a bit annoying at the beginning.

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Surprisingly funny.

The mega annoying Brand versus the great playing Mirren, it's a contrast that you just have to dare. Then the contrast between Gerwig and Garner is a lot easier. Both don't really make it until the end of the film, I really liked the first half better than the second - the gimmick is then a bit through, and then it becomes a bit predictable and tame.

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