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Fire and Ice (1983)

Animation | 81 minutes
2,96 90 votes

Genre: Animation / Fantasy

Duration: 81 minuten

Alternative title: Vuur en IJs

Country: United States

Directed by: Ralph Bakshi

Stars: Randy Norton, Cynthia Leake and Steve Sandor

IMDb score: 6,5 (13.391)

Releasedate: 25 March 1983

Fire and Ice plot

"The end of mankind as we know it."

The evil Queen Juliana and her son Nekron, ruler of the ice, are pushing giant glaciers, forcing people to flee south. Nekron sends a delegation to Firekeep, the realm of good King Jarol, to force his surrender. The delegation's true intention is to distract the king so that Nekron's warriors can kidnap Princess Teegra. However, on the trek to Nekron's Ice Palace, Teegra escapes and encounters Larn, the lone survivor of a village devastated by the advancing glaciers. He helps her to return to her Firekeep. When Teegra is captured again, Larn gets help from the mysterious Darkwolf and joins him in battle to stop Queen Juliana and her son.

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