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Taxman (1998)

Action | 104 minutes
2,88 4 votes

Genre: Action / Crime

Duration: 104 minuten

Alternative title: The Taxman

Country: United States

Directed by: Avi Nesher

Stars: Joe Pantoliano, Elizabeth Berkley and Michael Chiklis

IMDb score: 5,6 (563)

Releasedate: 16 September 1999

Taxman plot

"In life only two things are certain, death and taxes."

Tax detective Al Benjamin uncovers a couple of gruesome murders. The police and his boss don't allow him to interfere, but that's not how he works. Together with young cop Joseph Romero, he breaks all the rules and comes on the trail of a Russian mob boss and Brooklyn. As if that guy wasn't dangerous enough already, his daughter also falls in love with Al the tax detective. All in all, the two heroes are heavily taxed and an explosive situation arises.

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