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Savate (1995)

Action | 90 minutes
1,52 26 votes

Genre: Action / Western

Duration: 90 minuten

Alternative title: The Fighter

Country: United States

Directed by: Isaac Florentine

Stars: James Brolin, Michael Palance and Olivier Gruner

IMDb score: 5,3 (941)

Releasedate: 24 August 1995


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Savate plot

"The True Story of the World's First Kickboxer"

In 1865, legendary French champion Joseph Charlemont comes to the Wild West and introduces a whole new way of fighting. He calls it Savate and the Americans call it Kick-Boxing.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Joseph Charlegrand

Cain Parker

Cody Johnson

Ziegfield Von Trotta

Colonel Jones

Bruno the Horrible

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  • 26 messages
  • 23 votes

This film is apparently very underrated here on Moviemeter. Admittedly, this is not a high-flyer, but I can think of plenty of movies that are much worse than this one. Fortunately, the rating on IMDB is a lot higher, and this is also a better reflection of the film.

I have now watched this movie for the 3rd time, and once again I was not bored. Great movie to get through the night with. Also looks nice. A short western with a simple plot, the necessary action and some kickboxing. The latter also makes it interesting. Not your average Western anyway. In my opinion, this film swings a bit between an A-movie and a B-movie.

Too bad there is a very unbelievable scene just before the end. Von Trotta, who is violently kicked against a metal point, which then pierces his body, but a little later the gentleman is fit again to take hold of Charlegrand Risen from the dead

2.5 star as far as I'm concerned.

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