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Motor Psycho (1965)

Action | 74 minutes
3,05 50 votes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 74 minuten

Alternative titles: Motorpsycho! / Motor Mods and Rockers / Rio Vengeance

Country: United States

Directed by: Russ Meyer

Stars: Alex Rocco, Haji and Steve Oliver

IMDb score: 5,9 (1.668)

Releasedate: 1 August 1965


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Motor Psycho plot

Three rocking motorcyclists rape and murder through the American hinterland. Until they bump into a man brave enough to avenge the attack on his wife. Once again, this man stumbles upon a woman left for dead by the gang, and she is forced to join him against her will on his quest for revenge...

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