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Get the Gringo (2012)

Action | 96 minutes
3,28 1.238 votes

Genre: Action / Drama

Duration: 96 minuten

Alternative title: How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Country: United States

Directed by: Adrian Grunberg

Stars: Mel Gibson and Patrick Bauchau

IMDb score: 6,9 (112.828)

Releasedate: 15 March 2012

Get the Gringo plot

"The odds are against him. So is everyone else."

The film tells the story of the career criminal Driver, who is arrested by the Mexican authorities. He is put in a prison full of serious criminals, where he learns how to survive with the help of a 10-year-old boy.

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Pretty funny.

I usually don't think Gibson is a great actor and here it wouldn't have been my first choice, but he manages to manage his role. It is mainly director Grunberg who knows how to make it a nice ride.

Visually pleasing, smoothly filmed and quite colourful. Fits in nicely with the characters, who are also quite thick. There is a light-hearted tone that obscures the somewhat harder scenes and moments, although it could have been just a little more extreme in my opinion.

Fortunately, the film doesn't last too long, has a few memorable moments and runs very smoothly. So it was a nice snack, I didn't expect much from it beforehand, but I liked it quite a bit.


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Yes liked him. Separate. Not really believable. But worth it. Nice atmosphere too by the way.

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Last time I wrote this about it.....How I spent my summer vacation with a cover that strongly suggests that this is a B movie. And then it also starts with some still images and especially in the beginning a voice over by Mel Gibson. It doesn't bode well, but when our professional criminal Driver (Mel) ends up in the Mexican jail, the film gets to see a lot of life. Was immediately thinking whether Joran in Peru is also under these circumstances. We see women children relatives all in prison. Whoever steals as a mother takes his child for free. The child has to stay somewhere, doesn't it? Money, drugs and weapons play no role. Corrupt agents? Who is not corrupt. But apart from these unique images, there is also quite a story in it. The boy Driver comes into contact with becomes more and more interested and it turns out that this well-spoken boy has a serious problem. We regularly see action and we even see a Django moment where we go back in time to the wild west. Pictures and sound are excellent!

Get the Gringo as it is also called in other countries also has a happy ending in this relatively short film of 1.36 minutes. That seems short, but you get to see so much, that as far as I'm concerned the length is also good. Get the Gringo might be a better title, although the Driver How I Spent my Summer Vacation does mention it at the end.

Anyway very entertaining movie!

Rewatched yesterday. Still very entertaining, but now half a point less. As mentioned, the low voice over is sometimes a bit disturbing. The story must of course be told, but in the beginning it is too emphatic. Once in the Mexican prison it is a lot of fun. We see so much here that no pen can describe. It's still a fun movie, but after the first time half a point less.

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