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Atomic Blonde (2017)

Action | 115 minutes
3,11 1.107 votes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 115 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: David Leitch

Stars: Charlize Theron, James McAvoy and John Goodman

IMDb score: 6,7 (212.807)

Releasedate: 26 July 2017

Atomic Blonde plot

"Talents can be overrated."

1989, Berlin. Just before the fall of the Berlin Wall, an MI6 agent is found dead. In his pocket he had valuable information: a list of all the names and details of American, English, Russian and French spies. However, the list is gone. Lorraine Broughton, a seasoned spy with no ties to Berlin, is sent by the MI6 to find the list and protect both herself and the world's secret services.

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Lorraine Broughton

David Percival

Emmett Kurzfeld

Eric Gray

Aleksander Bremovych

Delphine Lasalle

James Gasciogne

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  • 22 messages
  • 33 votes

Just saw it on Veronica, what a wonderful surprise, good action, top woman, good plot and a soundtrack with wonderful 80's songs. Recommended!

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Atomic blonde tries really hard to be cool and have a face of her own, but fails miserably. Because visually they absolutely fail to create an 80s atmosphere (those intertitles too, horrifying), the soundtrack is completely packed with classic German pop hits. Another way to stand out is the realistic violence, only forgetting to make the fight and action scenes themselves believable. We simply see the typical patterns again in which the protagonist is almost invincible and, like a true psychopath, kills one opponent after another. The narrative structure is not bad and is well used in the denouement. However, Atomic blonde falls seriously short as a serious action film and cannot really entertain because of the heavy violence and the pompous visuals.

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Smooth film that didn't really appeal to me. Before that, Atomic blonde, especially as a spy film, was far too exaggerated on all fronts. And I also know that I shouldn't take it all too seriously, but a certain 'touch' with reality is allowed Surely there are, especially if you include true events in your story.

Well I've actually never been too fond of this kind of cinema, although Atomic blonde was certainly not the least in that series. This was partly due to the still fairly realistic roles of Toby Jones and John Goodman while McAvoy and Theron, despite the grotesque characters that they both played well.

The action was also entertaining, partly because it was all a bit harder than usual with such films, and otherwise the images looked quite dazzling.

But for the rest, Atomic blonde was regularly quite tiring.


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