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Taika Waititi's Star Wars movie won't be happening anytime soon
Photo: © ANP

Taika Waititi's Star Wars movie won't be happening anytime soon

Taika Waititi's Star Wars movie won't be happening anytime soon
Photo: © ANP

Taika Waititi is one of the busiest men in Hollywood.

The New Zealand native has become one of the most sought-after writers/directors in the business thanks to his work on movies like What We Do in the Shadows, Thor: Ragnarok, Thor: Love and Thunder and Jojo Rabbit, for which he won an Academy Award for Best Adapted Screenplay.

He is currently promoting his new movie, Next Goal Wins, based on the documentary of the same name.

After that, a new Star Wars pic is on the horizon, but it doesn't look like that will be happening anytime soon.

"At the moment, I'm still developing something with them," he told Entertainment Tonight.

"Like me, they have a lot of projects going on. I think they're gonna push it until I finish these other projects. I've got about four other scripts that I'm trying to finish. My thing is I want to take my time with that and get it right. I don't want to rush this movie."

Waititi's Star Wars

Not a lot is known about Waititi's Star Wars movie, and details are unlikely to emerge until he has finished the script.

"I'm able to kind of bring my tone. At the moment it's just very early, because I... still haven't even finished the script," he previously revealed.

"I'm still trying to come up with ideas and I'm mostly kind of in that part of the process where it's still very kind of open. And when I write, I kind of write every idea I've ever had and then start to kind of chisel it down into something. But I'm still throwing everything at the wall right now."

Fans can rest assured that he will be left to his own devices without much interference from Disney.

"Taika is still working away," Disney executive and Star Wars head honcho Kathleen Kennedy told Variety.

"He's writing the script himself. He doesn't really want to bring others into that process and I don't blame him. He has a very, very unique voice. So we want to protect that and that's what he's doing. But we're going to make that one day."

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