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A promising update on the Ghost of Tsushima movie
Photo: © ANP

A promising update on the Ghost of Tsushima movie

A promising update on the Ghost of Tsushima movie
Photo: © ANP

The development of the Ghost of Tsushima movie is coming along nicely, according to director Chad Stahelski.

For the most part, video game adaptations into movies have not been critically well received, while several have been panned.

The tide could be turning, though, as HBO's adaptation of The Last of Us has emerged as one of the most critically acclaimed TV shows in history. Starring Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey, the series has received hugely positive reviews for its acting, writing, themes and its faithfulness to the source material.

In terms of gaming, Ghost of Tsushima received acclaim too. 

The official premise reads:

'Set in 1274 on the Tsushima Island, the last samurai, Jin Sakai, must master a new fighting style, the way of the Ghost, to defeat the Mongol forces and fight for the freedom and independence of Japan.'

Stahelski is most famous for his work on John Wick, and his next two projects will be Ghost of Tsushima and a reboot of Highlander.

"We have a script, we're very close to getting our shit together on that, as well," he told ScreenRant.

"Development is always tricky, it's studios, it's strikes, and availabilities, and scouting. You have to will things into existence. I think the two things that I am closest and most interested in are Highlander and Ghost of Tsushima. Both amazing, amazing properties, the story of Ghost is, also, one of my favourite properties of all time."

According to reports, the adaptation will be very faithful to the game as Stahelski is planning on using Japanese actors using their native language.

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